There may be times when you want to make a single, one-off payment into your credit union account.
You may want to do this to:
- Deposit money into your savings
- Catch-up on a missed loan repayment
- Make an additional loan repayment, or pay it off in full early
Any member can make a one-off payment at any time. You'll need to know your member number, but you won't need to log in or register.
Ways To Pay
You can make a one-off payment into your account either using a debit card or via Pay by Bank. You can find step-by-step information about how each works, and how long it takes, on the pages below:
If You Have a Current Account With Us
If you have a current account with us (this is different from an ordinary Membership Account), it will come with your own account number and sort code. You can use these bank details to make a bank transfer directly into your account.