Open banking payments are quicker, easier and more secure than other payment methods. You don't have to key in your card details manually or trust a website to store them for you. Simply select your bank from a list and approve the purchase with your face ID or fingerprint
Pay By Bank uses the UK's Open Banking infrastructure to securely connect to your bank's Online or Mobile banking. This allows you to log in using your existing credentials. Your login credentials are not seen by anyone and no personal bank account information is stored.
How it Works
- Selecting pay by bank as your method of payment will take you to a list of all the UK banks currently offering this service.
- To complete the payment, you must select the bank you wish to pay from.
- When the bank is selected, your bank will authorise you according to the bank’s security measures. Usually, this will be via biometric (face or fingerprint) ID authentication or by entering your PIN.
- Once you have been authenticated you will find all the necessary payment information is entered for you already, including the amount, the payee’s sort code, and account number.
- Select ‘confirm’ and the payment and it will be completed.