If you don't recognize a transaction on your account, please let us know as soon as possible by calling us on 02037731751 (lines open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm).
Outside of working hours you can call 03300882747, which is open 24/7. At this number, they won't be able to provide specific help but will be able to place a temporary block on your card if you are concerned about your card being used for fraud.
An unknown transaction could be a deposit into your account or a withdrawal you don't remember making. There may be an error, fraud, scam, or a genuine transaction. If you can contact us immediately, then we will investigate for you.
Can I keep money paid into my account by accident?
If money is paid into your account in error, unfortunately, it is not yours to keep!
In most cases, holding onto funds that do not belong to you is considered theft.
To avoid any risk of legal consequences, please let us know as soon as you become aware of any payments made into your account from someone you do not know.