To cancel a direct debit or standing order, contact us by sending a support request via online banking, or visiting your local branch.
You can cancel a direct debit payment at any time. However, we will need at least one working days' notice before your next payment date.
If you have a direct debit agreement with a company and they have tried to take payment before and failed, there's a chance this can still be taken as a recollection payment if they think you owe them money.
Letting them know
It's also a good idea to let the company know that you've canceled your direct debit with them. They will be able to confirm that your account or subscription with them is settled, and you do not owe them any more money.
Canceling a direct debit without doing this may mean that they chase you later for unpaid bills or remaining time on your contract. It can be a nasty surprise to find you still owe money and could even hurt your credit file if the debt goes unpaid.
Useful links:
How do I change a Direct Debit or Standing Order in my Current Account?