This article will explain how to submit documents for a Loan Application. You can either watch a short video explaining all steps or continue reading for more information.
After submitting your Loan Application, you'll be taken straight to our document upload page. Here, you will see a list of all the documents we need to process your loan.
If you don't have everything ready, don't worry. We will email you a secure link so you can do it later and will send you regular reminders.
Before you upload the requested documents, please ensure the quality of the document is readable and contains all the information required.
When all recent documents are uploaded and Open Banking is completed, you will see the change in the description from 'Upload now' or 'Complete now' to 'Submitted'.
As a final stage, click on the 'Submit' button. When the Loan Panel has got an update on your Loan Application processing stage, we will contact you via SMS or email.