Wherever possible, you need to keep up with repayments on time and at the agreed amount. Otherwise, your credit history may be negatively affected and you may find it harder to get credit in future.
However, we do understand that sometimes your financial situation may change due to factors outside of your control. This may mean that the agreed repayments are no longer affordable.
What to Do
If this happens, please email creditcontrol@creditunion.co.uk as soon as possible so we can support you. Usually, we will ask for you to provide some details about your current situation, and use this information to suggest a solution and to offer you appropriate support.
Ways We May Be Able to Help
- Offering you a temporary pause on loan repayments (a repayment holiday)
- Reducing (rescheduling) the monthly payments over a longer period so they are more manageable
- Recommending independent sources of debt advice and support
Where to go for Debt Advise?
If you’re struggling with debt there is lots of free advice available to help you take control of your finances:
StepChange Debt Charity
0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation
0800 043 4050
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
0800 280 2816
Citizens Advice England
0800 144 8848