You can get a loan for almost any reason, including towards a new car, a holiday, home improvements, or unexpected costs such as a broken washing machine.
Your reasons for applying usually won't affect the outcome of your application. However, we do expect you to be truthful and may request additional information if we think it might affect our decision to give you a loan.
What Can't I Get a Loan For?
There are some cases in which we will not be able to approve your loan if we suspect or consider it possible it might be used for the following things:
- Illegal or immoral activity
- Speculative investments, such as shares, cryptocurrencies or trading
- On behalf of someone else
- To finance a business
- To repay existing debts (unless you specifically apply for a consolidation loan)
This is not an exhaustive list, and we reserve the right to take into account the reasons given for applying for a loan when we consider your application.